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the Oregginator

September 29, 2006

Joystiq was so bothered by the fact that so many sites are reporting Reggie’s attendance during Wii’s launch at the NWS, they decided to sound off.

As they point out, which is absolutely true, Bill Gates did the same for each generation of Xbox, and Kaz Hirai did it for PSP, meanwhile we have the Nintendo fansites all making it seem like Nintendo’s making bold, never before seen moves; like they’re the most in touch with the gamer.


Yes, it’s marketing bullshit. Reggie’s been on this “we’re the gamer company” tangent for a while, ever since E3 when people were questioning Nintendo’s dependance on the casual audience for Wii’s success as an abandonment of the usual Nintendo fans. It’s become so blatant that it borders on disgusting. I know he’s the face of Nintendo now, but tone it down, bro.

I think one of the things they did to assuage hardcore fans’ fears of that Wii proposition was promise Mario, Metroid, and Zelda at launch (window). Seemed like a fanboy’s wet dream, right? Well, i suppose it was for someone, but i never really liked the idea. Then look what happened: Only Zelda ended up in the launch window — the game that you should’ve been playing on GameCube a year ago. After that, they packed in Wii Sports as a forced buy – the game that’s meant to draw in casuals, not you – to drive up the cost, whether you want it or not.

Wow, they really care about you, man. And they’re original at that. *slow, sarcastic clapping*

2 Comments leave one →
  1. InvisibleMan permalink
    September 29, 2006 5:05 pm

    Whoever thinks a major private company is looking out primarily for the consumer is living in denial, I say…

    Having said that, the fact that Nintendo is selling the cheapest of the next-gen consoles while being the only gaming company that won’t be losing money on each sale, does tell me that at least they have a good profit strategy. I don’t like Kamikaze companies that don’t care if they destroy the airplane they ride on as long as they sink the competitor’s ship!

  2. frisby permalink
    September 30, 2006 12:25 am


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